TED & Talks

Michio Kaku on the Evolution of Intelligence New videos DAILY: https://bigth.ink Join Big Think Edge for exclusive video lessons from top thinkers and doers: https://bigth.ink/Edge ———————————————————————————- Michio Kaku on the evolution of intelligence. ———————————————————————————- MICHIO KAKU: Dr. Michio Kaku is the co-founder of string field theory, and is one of the most widely recognized scientists
Bjarne Stroustrup: Why I Created C++ New videos DAILY: https://bigth.ink/youtube Join Big Think Edge for exclusive videos: https://bigth.ink/Edge ———————————————————————————- In the late 1970s, Stroustrup applied the idea of “classes” to the C programming language to create a new language that allows for high-level abstraction—but is efficient and close to the hardware. ———————————————————————————- BJARNE STROUSTRUP: Bjarne
NOTE FROM TED: This talk only represents the speaker’s personal views and understanding of meditation and spirituality. We’ve flagged this talk because it falls outside the content guidelines TED gives TEDx organizers. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more detail here: http://storage.ted.com/tedx/manuals/tedx_content_guidelines.pdf Anthony Metivier, memory
Ross Sleight has worked in digital media and experiences for over 20 years. Here Ross explores both the personal and social impact of our addictive smartphone use. Why do our mobile virtual homes take precedence over our real physical homes? Does our obsessive behaviour make us less interactive and engaging with real people? Are we
Özgün müziğiyle tanıdığımız Kalben, çocukluğundan bu yana umutlarını kıran olayları ve aslında hayatının her anında yanında olan müzikle nasıl arındığını anlatıyor. Müzik sayesinde tanıdığı iyi insanların, dinlediği yeni hikayelerin; şimdilerde ona en çok umut veren şey olduğunu söyleyen Kalben, doğanın, insanların ve hayallerin bir olduğuna inanıyor. İnsana en iyi gelecek şeyin umut olduğunu vurgulayan Kalben,
Hack Your Brain’s Default Mode with Meditation Watch the newest video from Big Think: https://bigth.ink/NewVideo Join Big Think+ for exclusive videos: https://bigthink.com/plus/ ———————————————————————————- Dan Harris was named co-anchor of ABC News’ weekend edition of “Good Morning America” in October 2010. He is also a correspondent for ABC News’ broadcasts and platforms including “World News with
In this fun, short talk from TEDYouth, lexicographer Erin McKean encourages — nay, cheerleads — her audience to create new words when the existing ones won’t quite do. She lists out 6 ways to make new words in English, from compounding to “verbing,” in order to make language better at expressing what we mean, and
PL: Jako psycholożka, która pomaga ludziom spać lepiej, spotyka się z prawdami, półprawdami i totalnymi mitami dotyczącymi osób o chronotypie wieczornym. Podczas prezentacji oddzieli ziarno od plew, odpowiadając między innymi na pytania: czy każdy może się przestawić na wcześniejsze wstawanie, jakimi cechami charakteryzują się nocne marki oraz dlaczego częściej zapadają na choroby cywilizacyjne niż ranne
Martin Hagger is Professor of Psychology at Curtin University. His areas of expertise are social, health, sport and exercise psychology. He is involved in numerous research projects nationally and internationally with a focus on motivation and behaviour change. He is currently leading projects in drugs in sport, promoting physical activity and healthy diet, understanding the
Michio Kaku: What’s the Fate of the Universe? It’s in the Dark Matter New videos DAILY: https://bigth.ink Join Big Think Edge for exclusive video lessons from top thinkers and doers: https://bigth.ink/Edge ———————————————————————————- Michio Kaku on what makes a supergenius. ———————————————————————————- MICHIO KAKU: Dr. Michio Kaku is the co-founder of string field theory, and is one
Don’t chase happiness. Become antifragile, with Tal Ben-Shahar Subscribe to Big Think on YouTube ►► https://www.youtube.com/c/bigthink Up next ►► The science of happiness, motivation, and meaning | Dan Ariely https://youtu.be/6yQiBT_W2VA Antigragitility is the idea of putting pressure on a system, or human, the system or human actually grows bigger and stronger. Antifragile systems are all
Il suo credo: vivere emozioni, storie e passioni e raccontarle attraverso i social media. Con la tecnologia di oggi chiunque può realizzare i propri sogni. Dopo aver concluso gli studi di Ingegneria informatica, nonostante una carriera piena di certezze, Alberto “Naska” Fontana molla tutto e decide di inseguire il suo sogno: diventare un pilota di
Ciascuno di noi, dalla nascita, possiede una fiamma che bisogna imparare a custodire. Ma cosa succede quando chi dovrebbe proteggerla cerca in tutti i modi di spegnerla? Dopo aver trattato a lungo le storie degli altri, Elisa De Marco racconta per la prima volta le difficoltà della propria infanzia, mettendo in luce quanto sia importante
Bruno Lallement auteur à succès, conférencier, formateur mais aussi humaniste et humanitaire jouit d’une grande popularité auprès du public. Très apprécié par la communauté scientifique et médicale pour sa rigueur et sa cohérence, cet homme au parcours atypique et dont la profonde dimension humaine ne fait aucun doute, transmet depuis plus de 30 ans une