Check Out The Bigger Picture: PBS Member Stations rely on viewers like you. To support your local station, go to: Sign Up on Patreon to get access to the Space Time Discord! Quantum mechanics gets weirder as you go to smaller sizes and higher energies. It’s strange enough for atoms, but positively bizarre
Month: August 2022
The recent GCSE exam left many students baffled. Here’s how to solve one of more challenging questions. Thanks to Joe and Rob for the suggestion! The ‘impossible’ question on GCSE exam that had 16-year-olds across the country stumped Thousands of kids left baffled by ‘impossible’ GCSE question they claim can’t be solved – do
Parting the veil of mystery on quantum superposition using waves. Professor Phil Moriarty takes us through it. Phil’s blogpost on the subject: This video was formerly called What is Quantum Superposition? Tweets by computer_phile This video was filmed and edited by Sean Riley. Computer Science at the University of Nottingham: Computerphile is
Watch the MinuteEarth video here – I PROMISE it’s really really really good: MinutePhysics & MinuteEarth are on Patreon: and This video is about the differences between the corpses or final degenerate dense star forms that dead stars take: black holes, neutron stars, and white dwarfs. The main distinguishing features between them
Blaise Pascal’s Triangle displays the array of binomial coefficients in a triangle that holds a different meaning from seemingly every angle. From the odd numbers creating a fractal similar to the Sierpinski triangle to generating a full Fibonacci Sequence, Pascal’s triangle portrays mathematical beauty — and also keeps track of coin flips. Buried in the
Angular momentum = Omega x Inertia where Inertia = mR^2 Omega= Angular Velocity
They’re not just an animal, they’re a material. And that’s got engineers interested. // Subscribe to our channel! For more information about the Hu lab: Red imported fire ants (solenopsis invicta) are native to South America and an invasive species in the United States. One of the adaptations that makes them so hardy
The Chicago and Sanitary Ship Canal is the path that invasive carp would take to reach the Great Lakes. So to stop them, the US Army Corps of Engineers has installed an electric barrier. Although for obvious reasons, I didn’t get to see it close up. Sources, apart from the interview and the team I
My Discord: | My Twitch: Subscribe: | Website: Catch up on my latest uploads! Watch more: Creepy, Scary, and Chilling Topics! 50 Amazing Facts to Blow Your Mind! Mysterious, Cryptic, and Mystical Topics! Fascinating, Amazing, and Funny Topics! All-Time Most Popular Videos! Sources:
A weekly show where knowledge junkies get their fix of trivia-tastic information. This week, Paige Finch, one of our summer interns, tells us about 25 famous people who were once interns! Mental Floss Video on Twitter: Select Images and Footage provided by Shutterstock: —- Website: Twitter: Facebook:… Store: (enter
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View full lesson: When you take a bite of a hot pepper, your body reacts as if your mouth is on fire — because that’s essentially what you’ve told your brain! Rose Eveleth details the science and history behind spicy foods, giving insights into why some people continue to pay the painful price for
¿Cómo se sienten los adolescentes cuando están en la escuela? Juli Garbulsky acaba de terminar la secundaria y en esta charla comparte una visión que puede ayudarnos a pensar distinto en el futuro de la educación. Julián terminó la secundaria el año pasado y está estudiando la licenciatura en Matemática. Tiene 19 años pero la
Did you know that not getting enough zzz’s can actually make you hungrier? According to sleep scientist Matt Walker, the relationship between what you eat and your sleep is a two-way street. Here’s why understanding it can help you improve your overall health. Sleep — we spend one-third of our lives doing it, but what
How toxic people wage emotional warfare on others New videos DAILY: Join Big Think Edge for exclusive video lessons from top thinkers and doers: ———————————————————————————- High-conflict emotional warfare exists everywhere there are high-conflict people. Their strategy is usually to seduce someone get other people to agree with them on attacking someone else. In
PBS Member Stations rely on viewers like you. To support your local station, go to: ↓ More info below ↓ Carl Sagan’s famous words: “We are star stuff” refers to a mind-blowing idea – that most atomic nuclei in our bodies were created in the nuclear furnace and the explosive deaths of stars that
This illusion has fooled millions around the world. Here is a mathematical explanation of why it works. #shorts Subscribe: Send me suggestions by email (address at end of many videos). I may not reply but I do consider all ideas! If you purchase through these links, I may be compensated for purchases made on
What happens when you take a number, reverse it and add them together? Over and over and over? Something quite SYMMETRICAL emerges. Except for 196… and no one knows why. #shorts
Subscribe to Vsauce! Best E3 Rumors you DIDN’T hear about (LOL) — brought to you by Adam and Jeff from Wacky Gamer. Check ’em out at
The merging of two neutron stars was detected by gravitational waves and then by telescopes in all parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. This is a historic detection as it demonstrates: – the first gravitational waves detected from inspiraling neutron stars – the first joint observation by gravitational wave and electromagnetic wave astronomy – identification of
STEP 1: Voting is over! I’ll update you when I know something! STEP 2 Donate to Not Forgotten: STEP 3: Find a Charity: View Savannah’s original video here: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tweet ideas to me @SmarterEveryDay Warm Regards, Destin
Can miniature towns make dementia care more humane? Subscribe and turn on notifications
so you don’t miss any videos: On any given day at the Hogeweyk, you can see locals wandering the streets, going out for coffee, folding laundry, and tending gardens, all surrounded by lush outdoor space. Located in Weesp, a Dutch
On Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, there’s a summer tradition: “mail jumping”. It’s a bit dangerous, a bit ridiculous, and would never be allowed to start today. But it’s a tradition. ■ Thanks to the Lake Geneva Cruise Line: Edited by Michelle Martin I’m at on Twitter at on Facebook at and
Join the Club for only $5 → Thanks to our sponsor Dollar Shave Club, new members get their 1st month of the Daily Essentials Starter Set including trial-sized versions of their Body Cleanser, One Wipe Charlies’ Butt Wipes, and Shave Butter along with their Executive Razor for ONLY $5 with FREE shipping! My Discord:
Scientists and inventors don’t have to be household names to have had a meaningful impact on the world. This episode of The List Show shares the contributions of 19 amazing scientists who have been overlooked for too long. You’ll learn who developed the idea of evolution by natural selection at the same time as Charles
В своем выступлении, спикер расскажет как каждый из нас, может изменить свою жизнь просто поменяв взгляд на нее, и изменив подход, как создать из себя успешный проект используя идеи и технологии из бизнеса! CEO рекламного агентства Digital Bands и Образовательного клуба для предпринимателей Digital Bandito, спикер TEDx. Автор бестселлера издательства МИФ “30 правил настоящего мечтателя”
PBS Member Stations rely on viewers like you. To support your local station, go to: Sign Up on Patreon to get access to the Space Time Discord! What is Quintessence? Well we know that something is up with the way the universe is expanding – there’s some kind of anti-gravitational effect that’s causing the
FOLLOW ON TWITTER: *** CLICK “SHOW MORE” FOR SOURCES AND LINKS *** History Of Toothbrush History Of Toothpaste Bones Protecting From Toothaches History Of Toilet Paper Urine Gunpowder ************************************** Vsauce Links T-Shirts: Facebook: Instagram: Vsauce:
MORE HERE: We’ve got a longer-than-usual episode today — but it’s Mario’s b-day! Andre aka joins me in a discussion of some of Mario’s growing pains from newer Mario games. To watch his video about the classic games, go HERE: **** And because you guys asked, here’s the Kim pic I seriously
It sounds ridiculous, but it’s true. At the Cooper Union Foundation Building in New York, there’s the world’s first elevator shaft: constructed four years before the safety elevator was invented. • Thanks to Prof. O’Donnell and all the team at the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art: you can find out more
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