TED & Talks

How To Create Your Indispensable Inheritance | Zavanna Dova | TEDxRolandPark

Zavanna’s “The Indispensable Inheritance” takes the legacy thinking around focusing solely on passing down monetary wealth and shines a spotlight on the urgency that our future generations have to receive even more from the unique lives we all live each day. This talk uncovers the generational wealth within us all and proves that regardless of our financial situations, we all hold a value that is imperative to moving humanity forward. Zavanna started her career in the modeling and acting world being featured in the movie Creed 2, published in countless magazines, and showcased on numerous television shows. Chronic pain led her on what would become a seven-year journey to being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. She had to reroute her life and start over while also overcoming generational family struggles and breaking free from childhood trauma. Zavanna is now a full time certified Motivational Speaker and Life Coach as well as the founder of one of the largest online entrepreneurial communities, having been featured in both INC and MEDIUM Magazine. She speaks across various platforms and stages to spread the idea that the things you were born to do are not ahead of you, but within you. Her message to others is, “You need to show up on the great days, but you need to show up on the worst days even greater.” It is that message that she hopes serves to change even one person’s life in the same way that it helped change hers. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

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